these long weeks.

                                                                                                                   speaking is hard but that's okay.

We all have stories we won't ever tell.  

I went through a few days of major breakdown in late June. The days were so fucking uneasy that I cried so much and sleep was the only idea that could stop me from feeling completely disheartened. Um I get emotional pretty easily...   

Two weeks of midterm break were... um. 
spent the first day of holiday with ze bunch! sigh of relief after midyear exam. ;)   


girls were just being girls :p

Tiffany and me :)




small talk.
waiting for food.


so stunning isn't she?


Good times...


I have always loved spending my Sunday afternoon having lunch with my relatives at Puchong. Food. 


roaming around in popular feeling awkward.

yellow is the new love. ;) 
spent a whole afternoon at Justin's house with Peifang and Khai sing sometime ago :D 
 "The Devil Inside" is one heck of an awesome movie hohoho. 4 of us squeezed into a bed. 

same old routine every time in Justin's house. Burrrrrrrp.

basically I spent my nights catching up on this. 

 had lunch buffet with mom and second brother in Concorde hotel sometime ago and it was rather worse.

I will never forget that look on my second brother's face when Ren and I successfully surprised him with these lip-smacking cupcakes. Gawddddd these are irresistible :p 

 it was indeed a night full of love and laughter :)

when you think Taylor Swift, I hope you think of me. 
I am a Taylor Swift enthusiast and you you you and you know it. All this while I had been dying to make something Taylor Swift related stuffs on my room wall and yes.  
My brain's gone to a total blank. No idea. I didn't know what to do then after awhile I came up with this idea... There is a lot more to come hehehe.  
Sad enough to say by far I have got only one poster of hers and ugh it's been folded. I shall buy some graffiti art etc to decorate this wall.  

 l o v e. x

I have been feeling increasingly melancholic but nostalgic knowing major exam is around the corner. So close to hell. Just a slight word of exam gives me a panic attack every freaking time. Feel me? 

Saturdays have been a bit busier than ever. For me it's a good thing. I like long days. Been spending my Saturdays with a dose of books and talking about life with the bunch since early June. I know this sounds crazy but yeah. Feels good you know :) 

I have a loud voice in general which everyone likes it. Loool. I am the girl whose voice is ten times louder than everyone else's. I am actually ahem sorta proud of myself wtf.
It was the 1st of July. Fought to stay awake 'cause I didn't want to be overslept... still I fell asleep anyway. Very early morning. Got up groggily when I heard my phone's ringing.  
Got ready in just a few minutes. Ugh.  

setting up. 

Went to support my friends who took part in the DigiLive Sekolahku Berbakat 2012 in One Utama :D 

although they didn't win any place but they did their best. :)

and here's the girl I adore so much.


I was busy helping Justin's mom record videos of them performing haha :D so thanks Pei Fang for helping me record videos using my camera.
UGHH the videos recorded turn out with bad quality. WHUT.  

It was a very long day indeed! I had so much fun cheering and shouting my lungs out during live performances by the contestants :D :D  

nice drink before we were about to head home. 

I stood for a very very long period of time that day until I can't feel my legs anymore literally loool. 
So happy I got to witness so many amazing performances :D    


Went for a stroll around One Utama with Pei Fang since it's my first time there and we had a short break in The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf shop. We shall hang out more often heh heh ;)  


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