that may.

it's been a long long long long while hasn't it?

I was a little apprehensive about my first day of college. (oh yes I am officially a college student yaynay!) I could remember my very first day in college in vivid detail.
Some of the people whom i made on the first day are some of my closest friends today. They are my good friends anyone could ever ask for.
// we cool friends can be real crazy at times. Ha ;D we were molded.

Saying college is nerve-racking is an absolute understatement. I am so disgusted by the fact that my schedule is getting so tight by the day. The number of hours i watch tv is directly proportional to the number of hours i sleep ever since college days. Wtf this situation has never happened in my life // NEVER.

Driving to college on my own definitely makes me feel more grown up. that feeling is just so cool innit ;D
It's crazy how i can think SO much when i am all by myself driving to college to the point where i could go to the wrong direction without noticing. oh UH.

I nearly missed out on a funnnn experience! orientation nightttttt!

my mangkuks tho. ;) 

it was indeed a fun night! the fact that i was being real semangat scared the other may intake students. ahahaHA.  

Margaret, Farah and Yan Lin <3 

danced around with people; played games that kinda made me look so silly; went around asking for pictures together; laughed out loud with friends



Jonathan! badass.




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