light grey.

I have lost count of how many days I have spent with them.

high school life can sometimes be tedious and boring, however, I kind of sort of think that this year, I am lucky to be in a class where I have many good friends, some of whom have been with me since form 1/2. It is their company that spices up the bland schooldays :') 
the fact that this year I have been crying laughing a lot than usual, especially when I am with 3 of them :) they are the ones that first come to mind when i think of jokes/ahem nasty jokes ahem in class, or anywhere whomp whomp. There were times when we talked about waggish nasty jokes and it resulted in us finding ourselves in a heap on the floor. Hahahahahahahaha. ;>

so... 19th of October was the day.
just some of us of 5 Cerdas attended the graduation event.    
and well... a few of them were not in this picture :(

we mingled around eating, chatting and taking pictures as many as we could... OH AND KHAI SING THAT little beyotch wore dress and high heels. SO proud of her heh. :)  
with the most cheeky, awkward, hilarious guy :')

one of those whom just likes to bully me. Hahahahahaha :')


the priceless moment was when we performed a drama on stage. It was a VERY last minute call for me(gasp!) I only had a few minutes' time for preparation LOL but thank god I managed to nail it huh. ;) It was indeed a fun experience for me. My friend Alya played the role of our class teacher madam Vasandi who is a genuinely annoying yet lovely person and the rest of us as naughty naughty students.  
ummm I think I talked a lot which was very much aggravating (I had to. :p) After that some of us gave hugs to the real madam Vasandi hahahaha. WE GOT THIRD PLACE. WEEE. Bees knees! 
and I got compliments on my outfit... thought I'd wear something that is suitable for the occasion itself. Thanks Justin for the coat. :))  


three of us. 

the fact that we went from being enemies to absolute good friends, how awesome is this?  

Daniel, Mahdi, Imran, Izzat, Khairol aka gemuk, Safiy. 

with our BM teacher. 

Kitty, Tiffany, Khai Sing. 

with Add Maths teacher :')
lol I can't actually believe I started missing them. I feel quite sentimental at the idea of leaving them. 

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